"You have to remind yourself that there's a part of you that's never been touched by trauma." -Neal Pollack ( Yoga Journal, August 2010, pp. 101)
I found this quote comforting, and it resonated with me as a reason I practice and teach yoga. I'm a yoga teacher, but I'm also traveling the yogic path with life challenges, struggles and traumas just like my students (and everyone else on the planet). Sometimes I'm overwhelmed, sad, mad, etc., and yoga is a tool to reconnect to that place of unwavering depths of peace within: that place of infinite, spacious awareness that is always available and untouched by trauma. When I am in pain, often that part of myself seems unreachable; but again and again yoga is the vehicle which allows me dissolve the layers that make me feel separate to return there. So, my truest intention in my teaching is to share the tools I utilize and lovingly pass them along.
Solstice Blessings ~ Amy
Thank you for sharing here, ladies. Much love!